Starting from the fair launch of Bitcoin
The creation of Bitcoin inscription provides very important conditions and preliminary attempts for fair launch. Many brc20 tokens, like Sats, Ordi, Rats, etc. are designed to distribute tokens to more people more fairly.
This is a good attempt not to concentrate more wealth in the hands of a few. However, this method still has many shortcomings. It has not yet achieved a fairer launch, and those individuals or teams with technology and funds have gained greater benefits.
.x Try a fairer launch method
Use the existing centralized system account as the initial reference to achieve a fairer launch.
Here we have chosen the Twitter account system. Existing users can successfully obtain a free DID and fair launch Token. At the same time, in order to prevent cheating, there are relevant conditions for the registration and application of new users.
In this way we can allow more people to have a future decentralized identity DID
Fairer wealth distribution, allowing more people to have future wealth
Please read the .x DID Document for detailed instructions
Future value injection
With a more real community with a large number of people, we will continue to generate new value. These values will be gradually injected into the community and owned by all members of the community.
In the early stage, we injected all the registration revenue from .x DID into the community foundation, excluding the necessary support system costs.
Then we will inject more value into the community through development.
We are building communism bit by bit
The meaning of the logo
On the one hand, we originate from the initial proof of's user registration system, and on the other hand, because only intersecting things will have an effect, we use the overall shape of X.
More importantly, we want to have a view of the universe, not just a view of living on earth.
The novel "The Three-Body Problem" has opened up a new view of the universe and a broader space for thinking for us.
Elon's SpaceX has begun visible practical exploration for mankind.
We chose a composite of X and black hole photos to form the community logo.
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